Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Then and now

Perhaps few would argue that Dr. Louis Cha, or better known by its pen name – Jin Yong is the most popular fiction writer in Chinese language, and due to such immense popularity, certainly one of the most popular writer in exist today. I am his fan and I read his books, almost all of them, multiple of times.
Once remarked in one of this book, Jin Yong said that the story he created, although fictional, is largely built around the time frame of true history, and apart from that, he continued, the focus is always on people.  Emotions such as love, hate, joy, sorrow, anxiety, fear, torment…… of or between human has little change, if at all, for as long as human exists. A person touched or moved by an ancient poem today is indifferent from those thousands of years ago.
Here I am with my camera at the Yangon harbor, looking at the labors at work, they use their strength or even way of moving objects, is no difference from ancient people. Not because there is no progress in our world, or may be all the progress in history are all-artificial?  At the end, we are all the same people of same basics.  Or may be just like Albert Camus said, “Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is.”

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