Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eyes of Wonder

“From wonder into wonder existence opens.”

Although lived in the 6th century BCE, Laozi among many other great Chinese philosophers of the same time, has lived an age of great knowledge and wisdom presenting the peak of known Chinese culture, laid the foundation and influenced all Chinese to present day. In historical context, Chinese has matured too early, and aged too quickly.
And this little girl in Inle Lake, with nature, fearlessly eyes of wonder, repenting a highly potential new generation Burmese, is perhaps what modern Chinese lack of. 

Inle Lake, Myanmar

Intha, Inle Lake

Not knowing when they developed the unique leg-rowing technique, and only some 7,000 of them, live in 4 cities boarding the Inle Lake, the Intha, is without question one of the most spectacular Burmese highlights.
Inle Lake is rather shallow with averaged depth just around 2.1m (7 ft.) in dry season and 3.7m (12 ft.) in raining season.  The lake is full of water plants, and the Intha use it as field to grow rice and vegetable, the most favorite being the tomatoes. But however, the Intha are primary fisherman (nga hpein – Inle Carp. – Cyprinus Intha), the remaining time spending on the fields and while season has changed, they are working as silversmith or making ceramics.  
This image is a traditional Intha on the most popular transport on the Inle Lake.

Inle Lake, Myanmar

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011


The people of Inle Lake, called Intha, is the main focus on the our photographic trip, in particular the fisherman – famous for their leg rowing, something I wish to try before the trip, something I would love to try during the trip, and something I ended up not doing in the trip.   Leave a reason to go back, and hope it will still be there.
Inle Lake has shrunk 23.4% from 69.10km2 to 46.69km2 between 1,935 to 2,000 due to increased population and rapid growth in both agriculture and tourism.
It is not a unique problem of Myanmar, in fact, lakes shrunk or disappear happened many places in the world, some were the result of man, some were nature.  And it is still happening.  Just a proof that nature is beyond resistible.

On Inle Lake

Riding on the traditional boat cruise on the Inle Lake – finally, we are here!  People in the picture – I am behind the camera, next the Norwegian – Jo Bentdal; the Italian beauty – Valeria Turrisi and the charming Swiss – Heini Ruedisuehli, next the Burmese guide, the boatman.
Inle Lake, Myanmar